about Us

Welcome to DIY DOJO, the go-to source for all your DIY needs! We’ve been helping DIYers of all skill levels find the best tools, materials, and advice to help with their projects.  Whether you’re a beginner looking to take on your first project or an experienced DIYer in search of a more challenging project, our team of writers and experts can help you find the perfect project for you. From simple home repairs to complex woodworking projects, we’ve got you covered.

Our goal is to provide our readers with the best information and guidance possible. We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information about the latest materials, tools, and techniques, so you can make your project perfect.  We also provide reviews and recommendations on the best products to help you make informed decisions and get the best results. 

DIY DOJO is a resource for DIYers of all skill levels. We offer step-by-step instructions and detailed diagrams to make projects easier, as well as helpful advice and tips to make the most of your time and resources.

At DIY DOJO, we are passionate about helping our readers find the perfect project and the best materials to make it perfect. We hope you’ll join us on our mission to make DIY easier and more enjoyable for everyone!

Our team of writers and experts is passionate about helping you find the perfect project and the best materials to make it perfect.

about us page - DIY DOJO

We Are Reader Supported

DIY DOJO is reader supported, which means that products and tools that we recommend on the site may earn us an affiliate commission through links that we provide. This comes at no extra cost to you at all but it’s a means by which we keep the website up and running. You can find out more on our Earnings Disclaimer page.

Meet our team

author diy dojo
Robert Medeiros
author diy dojo
Jose Myers
Founder & Author
author diy dojo
Emma Hubbard